Understanding me is not rocket science

Princess(me) is an ordinary human with a simple yet logical attitude to life with sky high ambitions and matching determination to achieve them

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

$$$$ Plead for Help $$$$

‘Cancer’ is a very wide known word amongst all of us. But only a few are aware about this terminology. Cancer is term that encompasses a complex group of more than 100 different types of cancerous diseases.

Cancer can affect just about every organ in the human body. After reading about cancer I was surprised to learn that cancer can affect parts of the body like eyes and the heart.

Each type of cancer is unique with its own causes, symptoms, and methods of treatment. Like with all groups of disease, some types of cancer are more common than others.
Symptoms of cancer vary based on the type of cancer. As cancer progresses to an advanced stage, common symptoms can include weight loss, fever, and fatigue. These are very non-specific symptoms that are more likely related to other less serious illnesses than cancer.

I was dumbstruck to learn recently that a very close friend of mine is suffering from cancer. Right now he is in India undergoing chemotherapy and other necessary treatments accompanied by his sister. He has been there for over two months now and it will take extra three months. Due to this sudden tragedy his family is finding it hard to keep up with the expenses.

A few days back, when I opened my face book account I was taken aback with grief for little did I know he has cancer. He kept it for himself, but when things went financially downhill he desperately needed his friends to aid him. So worse is his situation financially that he requested for as low as Mrf5 if possible. And his health condition has detoriated so bad that his head of fine strong straight hair has gone completely bald. When he talked about it on msn he joked saying it’s the new ‘IN’ style. Though so much has changed with him, he still has his sense of humor and optimism.

Now I have started a campaign to collect as much as possible for his treatment. The failure to have the treatment shall result in a fate I can’t imagine for such a bubbly person.
Inshah Allah, I shall have the strength to work to raise enough money to help him in this sad tragedy.

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