Understanding me is not rocket science

Princess(me) is an ordinary human with a simple yet logical attitude to life with sky high ambitions and matching determination to achieve them

Monday, March 1, 2010

~~One and Only True LOVE~~

Yesterday you were here filling me with endless happiness and laughter. Today you whereabouts totally unknown to me and those who care about you. Every new day begins with fresh and raw memories of you, as if you were never gone, as if you were always here with me being my bundle of joy and serenity. The first time I saw you it was love at first sight which I never believed but meeting you changed it all. You were totally admirable and cute, who wouldn't love you? I was certain that you would bring me innumerous contentment and liveliness to my rather bleak life. Also, I believed deep down that one day you will leave or one day I will have to let you go, I believed that your last day will be a very new beginning of heartache. I knew that I'll never forget you. With you a piece of my heart is gone forever. OUR STORY STARTED LIKE THIS................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... It was another ORDINARY day, little did I know that it will be a remarkable day with a special gift from god. My sister's boyfriend then(now my bro-in-law) brought Milly from wilderness. Milly is a rabbit we adopted. She was so cute, a fluffy fur ball with adorable eyes, white and brown fur. I fell in love with Milly as soon as I saw her.Milly spent almost four years with our family in a special place made for her in the balcony though we let her roam around the house in well-behaved days which is quite often.


*Milly never pees on any place other than the very corner in the balcony(we call it her toilet)

*Milly loves eating, esp chocolate, nuts ,Maldivian short eats and lettuce.
*Milly can always cheer everyone no matter how hard things are with her adorable actions like scratching her butt or standing on her two legs.

*With Milly around no one ever felt lonely for she'll let know she is there either by banging on the door or by playing with items she is given to play with.

Due to certain difficulties we had no choice but give up her. Since the children's park was the idle place for her she was taken there. As soon as she was in the cage the other rabbits attacked her mercilessly leaving her bruised all over. She was taken out of the cage, she was motionless. So her cage was seperated, as days passed Milly recovered from the external injuries. After a few weeks, to check Milly's state some of my family members went to the park but Milly was nowhere to be seen. When the responsible person of the pets in the park was asked about her over the phone, his response was she will be there. But where? MILLY IS NO MORE? WHAT BECAME OF MILLY? If SHE DIED DID SHE DIE OF BROKEN HEART? DUE TO SEPERATION?

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