Understanding me is not rocket science

Princess(me) is an ordinary human with a simple yet logical attitude to life with sky high ambitions and matching determination to achieve them

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A little something about me

Well, may be none of you have noticed but quite sometime has passed me not babbling about myself. So today I thought why not write something about me since this is my blog and readers would want a piece of me every now and then to fill their appetite(literally hehehe).

The first thing I would like to share is that now I have become one FAT lazy bone.Yes, neither can I beleive that I could be this lethargic. For once every morning I have trouble waking up thus being late to office fashionably. The other day I had a pep talk and came to a resolution that if I feel like staying a few more minutes in the bed to remind myself I might be kicked out of work at this rate. The same thing happened this very day, I over slept, so much for a resolution lol.

Its so hard to get up and get to work in these fine sleepy days. Oh! how I envy the retired. I feel like taking off from work for a good part of the years ahead. Then, I don't think it will do me any good. Afterall I came back to work at the beginning of this week after a week's holiday.

Somehow I need to stick up with my resolution for coming to work on time else I will be history. Even after coming to work I don't find myself in the mood to be productive very unlike me. I really need some good motivation or let me hope with time I will be my good old workaholic punctual self.

That is all folks for the time being =D

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