Understanding me is not rocket science

Princess(me) is an ordinary human with a simple yet logical attitude to life with sky high ambitions and matching determination to achieve them

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why bear children?

Look at any isolated, crowded,flourishing, wealthy, less fortunate part of the world the problem is the same. Though poverty is a global issue, the evidence of such despair is most blatantly displayed in developing nations. Kids without the supervision of parents or kids who don’t have a parent to look after them at all comitting juvenile crimes are rapidly increasing. They are basically deprived of family care and protection. It is a matter of grief that even in our small community kids as young as 5years can be seeing in the streets at very odd and late hours without adult supervision.
Children may end up on the streets for several basic reasons: They may have no choice – they are abandoned, orphaned, or disowned by their parents. Secondly, they may choose to live in the streets because of mistreatment or neglect or because their homes do not or cannot provide them with basic necessities. Many children also work in the streets because their earnings are needed by their families. But homes and families are part of the larger society and the underlying reasons for the poverty or breakdown of homes and families may be social, economic, political or environmental or any combination of these.
A few days back, I heard this shcoking news. A bunch of boys aged 11 in the ‘track’ (an area designated for swimming, can be very deep) were doing their loafing around 22.15pm and one kid drowned. Crowds were attracted to this particular scene by wailing kids. Yes they are kids, they are not strong men. Why else would they weep aloud if they are so strong to be left on their own. I wondered where this kids parents were.
How could they leave their kids to the street at such a late hour? When would they learn to be responsible to the kids they brought to this world? Why bear kids in the first place if you can’t attend to their fragile personalities and to the amount of protection they need ?

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