Understanding me is not rocket science

Princess(me) is an ordinary human with a simple yet logical attitude to life with sky high ambitions and matching determination to achieve them

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The best thing in the morning

I am sipping from a fresh hot milk tea as I write this, the first thing I consume every morning. Nothing could be better than a nice cup of milk tea on sleepy lazy mornings.I am not a coffee person, I just hate coffee.On the one, I love milk tea no matter what time of the day it is.It helps me to relax myself and keep my eyes wide open.I believe it has soothing powers and I believe my choice of drink is healthy.

As we became older, many of us shucked the idea of drinking milk either because we felt we were too "grown" to have to drink milk, or because we had become conscious of our figures and felt milk would have a detrimental effect on that part of us. In lieu of milk, we switched to other dairy products or vitamins in order to still receive the correct intake of Vitamin D and Calcium. Strangely, the analogy here is that if we went through that much trouble to still receive the benefits of milk, we knew that there was something in milk that our bodies were able to utilize

Hence, I believe that we shouldn’t restrict the consumption of milk despite the age. According to an article published on the Internet by the Newer Knowledge of Milk, there are several benefits of milk: the ability to prevent osteoporosis, hyper tension, robust skin, healthy bones, and colon cancer. And most importantly, these benefits are derived from an intake of fluid milk, not simply vitamins or other sources.

Drinking milk also helps to reduce the incidence of tooth decay.One of the major contributing factors to many people shucking the benefits of milk for a substitute source is the belief that drinking milk will cause them to gain weight. There is no evidence that drinking the required servings of dairy products such as milk contribute to a person being overweight.

Thus, we should shy away from drinking milk. We did it when we were 5, and we can definitely do it when we are 80. The benefits of drinking milk stay the same!

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