Understanding me is not rocket science

Princess(me) is an ordinary human with a simple yet logical attitude to life with sky high ambitions and matching determination to achieve them

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Anxiety-truly a living hell

Anxiety is characterized as excessive, exaggerated worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry. Which is the case with me.As the day for my departure for studies abroad keeps diminishing, my fear and anxiety keeps on multiplying.
I might have to leave any time over the couple of days, when and where still unknown for the government will decide the university and the place I will be spending next three years. From what the representatives have mentioned I derived that I might be informed prior to as less as 7days from the date I have to report myself to the university.
They insisted that scholars remain packed and ready, which I can't bring myself to do unless I know exact deadline by I should be prepared.Thinking about this is really driving me bonkers.Me in a totally new place all by myself, looking after myself and finding out where my university is.According to them there will be no representatives of them to haul us from the airport.We will be on our own.
My nerves over this whole fiasco is making me insane so i decided to take a few days off from work.So here I am tapping vigorously on my keyboard at home.To relax myself I slept late after watching numerous crappy movies which I wouldn't have watched otherwise and woke up late =D

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