Understanding me is not rocket science

Princess(me) is an ordinary human with a simple yet logical attitude to life with sky high ambitions and matching determination to achieve them

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I have never been a fanatic of mobile phones, I always felt a phone is a phone, the purpose being the same. However, I have come to love my blackberry more than any possession I have got. I was given a blackberry almost a year back as soon as it was launched in UK market. Now lets talk about things I love about my blackberry. It is fancy, the sound of music awesome, the videos excellent,the games mind blowing, the memory perfect. And things I hate about my blackberry: I can't keep off my hands from my lovely phone, I spend too much time playing games, I browse internet too much, I write too much messages to my bf etc etc

Monday, May 24, 2010


Starlight is a perfume that powerful women would certainly love according to Aigner the producer, it has a charismatic fragrance that you can’t help but be drawn to the more you wear it.Well, folks this is what happened to me when I was presented with a bottle of Starlight from my darling boy friend. After I exhausted the whole bottle, my mind runs wild not having the smell of Starlight.Thus, am debating whether to buy a perfume I have used once.Guess Starlight wins. I jus love Starlight, the name itself is rather appealing to me.

The scent is perfect for evenings when you want to feel elegantly sultry and just a little mysterious, without coming on too strong. If confidence had a scent, this would probably be it.

The packaging alone lets you know that this is one fragrance that doesn’t try to be cute. Its precious prism holds the clear liquid, the bottle’s many faces catching light to give its contents a pleasant lavender twinkle.


PRODUCTS I LOVE: I love Estee Lauder’s Idealist

Dissolves pore-clogging debris Reduces pores & makes enlarged pores invisible Eliminates dry, dull, flaky skin cells Improves skin texture & roughness Leaves skin soft, smooth, clear & even-toned. Not to mention, the smell is awesome. This helped me to boost my confidence. But the sad part is I can’t find this anywhere in Maldives, the one I used being brought from Dubai makes me sad thinking about this wonderful piece of my life. Anyhow, if I see this product again on a nearby shelf it will be my red day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The best thing in the morning

I am sipping from a fresh hot milk tea as I write this, the first thing I consume every morning. Nothing could be better than a nice cup of milk tea on sleepy lazy mornings.I am not a coffee person, I just hate coffee.On the one, I love milk tea no matter what time of the day it is.It helps me to relax myself and keep my eyes wide open.I believe it has soothing powers and I believe my choice of drink is healthy.

As we became older, many of us shucked the idea of drinking milk either because we felt we were too "grown" to have to drink milk, or because we had become conscious of our figures and felt milk would have a detrimental effect on that part of us. In lieu of milk, we switched to other dairy products or vitamins in order to still receive the correct intake of Vitamin D and Calcium. Strangely, the analogy here is that if we went through that much trouble to still receive the benefits of milk, we knew that there was something in milk that our bodies were able to utilize

Hence, I believe that we shouldn’t restrict the consumption of milk despite the age. According to an article published on the Internet by the Newer Knowledge of Milk, there are several benefits of milk: the ability to prevent osteoporosis, hyper tension, robust skin, healthy bones, and colon cancer. And most importantly, these benefits are derived from an intake of fluid milk, not simply vitamins or other sources.

Drinking milk also helps to reduce the incidence of tooth decay.One of the major contributing factors to many people shucking the benefits of milk for a substitute source is the belief that drinking milk will cause them to gain weight. There is no evidence that drinking the required servings of dairy products such as milk contribute to a person being overweight.

Thus, we should shy away from drinking milk. We did it when we were 5, and we can definitely do it when we are 80. The benefits of drinking milk stay the same!

Anxiety-truly a living hell

Anxiety is characterized as excessive, exaggerated worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry. Which is the case with me.As the day for my departure for studies abroad keeps diminishing, my fear and anxiety keeps on multiplying.
I might have to leave any time over the couple of days, when and where still unknown for the government will decide the university and the place I will be spending next three years. From what the representatives have mentioned I derived that I might be informed prior to as less as 7days from the date I have to report myself to the university.
They insisted that scholars remain packed and ready, which I can't bring myself to do unless I know exact deadline by I should be prepared.Thinking about this is really driving me bonkers.Me in a totally new place all by myself, looking after myself and finding out where my university is.According to them there will be no representatives of them to haul us from the airport.We will be on our own.
My nerves over this whole fiasco is making me insane so i decided to take a few days off from work.So here I am tapping vigorously on my keyboard at home.To relax myself I slept late after watching numerous crappy movies which I wouldn't have watched otherwise and woke up late =D

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why bear children?

Look at any isolated, crowded,flourishing, wealthy, less fortunate part of the world the problem is the same. Though poverty is a global issue, the evidence of such despair is most blatantly displayed in developing nations. Kids without the supervision of parents or kids who don’t have a parent to look after them at all comitting juvenile crimes are rapidly increasing. They are basically deprived of family care and protection. It is a matter of grief that even in our small community kids as young as 5years can be seeing in the streets at very odd and late hours without adult supervision.
Children may end up on the streets for several basic reasons: They may have no choice – they are abandoned, orphaned, or disowned by their parents. Secondly, they may choose to live in the streets because of mistreatment or neglect or because their homes do not or cannot provide them with basic necessities. Many children also work in the streets because their earnings are needed by their families. But homes and families are part of the larger society and the underlying reasons for the poverty or breakdown of homes and families may be social, economic, political or environmental or any combination of these.
A few days back, I heard this shcoking news. A bunch of boys aged 11 in the ‘track’ (an area designated for swimming, can be very deep) were doing their loafing around 22.15pm and one kid drowned. Crowds were attracted to this particular scene by wailing kids. Yes they are kids, they are not strong men. Why else would they weep aloud if they are so strong to be left on their own. I wondered where this kids parents were.
How could they leave their kids to the street at such a late hour? When would they learn to be responsible to the kids they brought to this world? Why bear kids in the first place if you can’t attend to their fragile personalities and to the amount of protection they need ?