Understanding me is not rocket science

Princess(me) is an ordinary human with a simple yet logical attitude to life with sky high ambitions and matching determination to achieve them

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Its raining and here I am trapped in the office. I am totally starved and craving for something to eat. Oh how I would like to have a bite.
But its impossible to get anything in this weather condition as most restaurants’ delivery men use motorcycles. Duh! Who would want to come in pouring rain. And how am I supposed to get home in a motorbike myself, offcourse I know smething called ‘umbrella’ but it doesn’t do a good job of sheltering two people on the move with the gusty winds. Getting a cab is totally out of picture since it wil be impossible.
So here I am looking at the watch depressingly sipping water from a bottle as half of my lunch break went to nothing.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Best Friends

We were the estranged ones,
alone, abandonedby the rest of the world.
In loneliness we met as fate brought us together.
The day we talkedthe moment we shared our thoughts
Oh, how amazing we felt,
a new friendship was born!

Under the tree we whisperedof gossips,
wishes and secrets.
Living a world of only us
both ignoring everyone else.
Different as we seemed
yet goal we yearned for is the same,
to find someonecare enough to listen
dare enough to be leaned on.

Too silly was i to findthat changes came
without a told ears were closed,
shoulders were folded!
In silence you walk away,
without a word uttered.

in darkness i stayed,
with a scar carved on broken heart...
Forever and ever i thought,
our friendship will be.
First soul mate you were,
but last you'd become!

Six years gone,my heart is still filled with doubts.
What wrong had i done?
for you to leave me alone...
Or is it you who had your heart change?Or is it me?
who just never fit in...
Years and years of wonders,
nothing hurts morethan guesses without answers!

Though you're gone.
Even friendship has faded,
friend or enemy,blessings will never stop.
For that time the sweetest moment i had!
Whatever you've become,
No matter where you are,
stranger or unknown,blessings will continue.
For that year the most memorable chapter in my life!

Answers i've been searching,
no longer importantno longer matter.
For the past has passed Hope,
i've given up hatred, i've let go
All that's left behind is a piece of memory called

This is dedicated to

This is about something which I valued a lot but most probably was of less value to those people I am refering to through out this text.I have never been the kind of person who had too many friends as a kid. But it changed after my secondary level, friends were in abandont, I hardly knew who was taking advantage of me and who was loyal to me. In those days I didn’t find analysing my friends of importance, which I wish I had today.

Well, I was studying for my ‘o’ level in a particular school but due to sudden changes I had to do my final term in a totally different school. The school looked bigger, better and promising. On my first day, which was the beginning of the final term for other students, with a hint of fear and butterflies in my stomach I climbed the stairs to my class in the 4th floor.Lots of students stared at me as if they have seen a ghost. Because students joining for ‘o’ level in the very last term was a myth for them.

When I entered the class everyone looked blankly at me. So I stepped out and checked to see if I am in the right class, yes I was. It seemed that the class was already crammed with too many students than appropriate considering the space of the room. There was no extra desk, all the desks were occupied by a sea of curious eyes. I felt like vanishing into thin air. I spotted an extra chair. So I settled down there without thinking about grabbing a desk. Three girls, Shazy, Athy & Iru who were seated in the very back were polite enough to come and offer me to sit with them. They wanted to share there space with me, with much persuasion I settled.

Three of them were the best of friends I knew. They were always there to help me. And in return I was there to help them in anything I could. Within a few days the whole class and the rest of the tenth graders became close friends. They would always stop by to chat whenever they see me and my friends in the hall or stairs.

Because of my close three friends I became very rebellious. I took risks which I would never think of taking and in return was punished in ways I never imagined. Yes sometimes four of us were sent straight to principal’s office or made to stand in the four corners of the class throughout the classes. It did not matter, I was happy with my friends which I lost living with a close relative. Though we got into trouble we always ensured that we don’t flip in studies. So we catch up on lessons after the classes and our grades were impressive.

The term went in a daze.Athy and I lost contact with Iru and Shazy. Later on I learned Shazy joined the police. I was happy for her, but a job was not what I wanted. I wanted to do my high school so I opted it. As for Iru she had family problems and decided to work in a far away resort. None of them contacted Athy or me after completion of school. Well Athy and I stayed in contact. She left for UK for her studies and I was left behind. From time to time Athy will come for semester breaks and we will hang out.

I though Athy was different, but guess I was wrong again. Things changed…..Athy got herself a very rich man from a very rich family , a pilot who had plenty of real estate and money. I was invited to her wedding but not as a bridesmaid or anything. In her wedding ceremony she did not even look at me literally. I was hurt, but decided I did not do anything wrong so it will be fine. I don’t know why I have such a good view of people. Days passed, she would not even answer her cell. Later on I decided to visit her mom, from her did I learn she and her husband left to live in Malaysia. She did not even tell me she was leaving forever. And she did not even try to contact me, I can’t believe how good friends we were and yet it did not mean anything for her or others when it came to a choice of luxurious life and new rich friends.

Now it has been almost 5 to 6 years. I still think of them every day though I don’t mean anything to them. But oneday I would want to see them and ask what happened to their promises of staying in touch and being friends till the very bitter end…May be I am not worth their time.

Now I have the bestest friends imaginable. Varey, Naanu and Iroo. They were with me for almost two years and now studying abroad. They will call from time to time, we talk everyday from msn or facebook. I am so glad to have three bestest friends who are very loyal to me.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Too bugged and sick to do anything

Yes, today is indeed a very bad day. Not only is the sizzling temperature outside is frustrating.

I am in a bad mood with a creepy temperature within my body. To make matters worse my throat is sore with a mind numbing cold. Disturbing in the sense my sound sounds funny. And every now and then, I let out a hearty sneeze, totally irresistible. As soon as I feel a little better, my nose goes all runny rising the urge to blow my brains off on a soft soft tissue on one big mighty go.

Apart from my typical sickness, I am also loaded with lots of different work since now I work in a different department. Hang on! not a department, two departments (HR and Budget). I am faced with the problem of ‘JOB AMBIGUITY’. No induction training, nothing, only told to do this and that. And to make matters worse there is no one to ask for the supervisor is on one big emergency leave after her son had an accident, she is abroad and connection is quite bad and she would hardly have time for chatting since her son has to go under major surgeries with broken nose, ribs ,lost teeth etc etc .

I am learning somehow. May be trying to learn on my own will make me more solid and practical, but then some stuff cannot be mastered on your own since there are certain strict bureaucratic procedures to be followed and obliged to strictly. Anyhow, I am taking one minute at a time else I might end up being spaced out.

What really bothers me about these blinding tasks is that, my boss whose cabin is right behind my station can see all the monkey business I am going through. So learning process can be a struggle with cold stares on your back the whole time you are in the office.

Will be back with more soon………

Just Cute

These Words Ringed So True