Understanding me is not rocket science

Princess(me) is an ordinary human with a simple yet logical attitude to life with sky high ambitions and matching determination to achieve them

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Too bugged and sick to do anything

Yes, today is indeed a very bad day. Not only is the sizzling temperature outside is frustrating.

I am in a bad mood with a creepy temperature within my body. To make matters worse my throat is sore with a mind numbing cold. Disturbing in the sense my sound sounds funny. And every now and then, I let out a hearty sneeze, totally irresistible. As soon as I feel a little better, my nose goes all runny rising the urge to blow my brains off on a soft soft tissue on one big mighty go.

Apart from my typical sickness, I am also loaded with lots of different work since now I work in a different department. Hang on! not a department, two departments (HR and Budget). I am faced with the problem of ‘JOB AMBIGUITY’. No induction training, nothing, only told to do this and that. And to make matters worse there is no one to ask for the supervisor is on one big emergency leave after her son had an accident, she is abroad and connection is quite bad and she would hardly have time for chatting since her son has to go under major surgeries with broken nose, ribs ,lost teeth etc etc .

I am learning somehow. May be trying to learn on my own will make me more solid and practical, but then some stuff cannot be mastered on your own since there are certain strict bureaucratic procedures to be followed and obliged to strictly. Anyhow, I am taking one minute at a time else I might end up being spaced out.

What really bothers me about these blinding tasks is that, my boss whose cabin is right behind my station can see all the monkey business I am going through. So learning process can be a struggle with cold stares on your back the whole time you are in the office.

Will be back with more soon………

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