Understanding me is not rocket science

Princess(me) is an ordinary human with a simple yet logical attitude to life with sky high ambitions and matching determination to achieve them

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Best Friends

We were the estranged ones,
alone, abandonedby the rest of the world.
In loneliness we met as fate brought us together.
The day we talkedthe moment we shared our thoughts
Oh, how amazing we felt,
a new friendship was born!

Under the tree we whisperedof gossips,
wishes and secrets.
Living a world of only us
both ignoring everyone else.
Different as we seemed
yet goal we yearned for is the same,
to find someonecare enough to listen
dare enough to be leaned on.

Too silly was i to findthat changes came
without a told ears were closed,
shoulders were folded!
In silence you walk away,
without a word uttered.

in darkness i stayed,
with a scar carved on broken heart...
Forever and ever i thought,
our friendship will be.
First soul mate you were,
but last you'd become!

Six years gone,my heart is still filled with doubts.
What wrong had i done?
for you to leave me alone...
Or is it you who had your heart change?Or is it me?
who just never fit in...
Years and years of wonders,
nothing hurts morethan guesses without answers!

Though you're gone.
Even friendship has faded,
friend or enemy,blessings will never stop.
For that time the sweetest moment i had!
Whatever you've become,
No matter where you are,
stranger or unknown,blessings will continue.
For that year the most memorable chapter in my life!

Answers i've been searching,
no longer importantno longer matter.
For the past has passed Hope,
i've given up hatred, i've let go
All that's left behind is a piece of memory called

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